Monday 14 November 2016

Planning for filming

We decided on our location being the medical room in our school. We decided that this was going to be a good location for us as we can take out any furniture that didn't fit with what we wanted e.g. we took out the clothes rail and extra seats. However, the colour and size of the room and some objects such as curtains fitted our theme. Our general goal was to have it looking like a mental ward room. This may not be clear in our opening but it would become clear through the plot and subtle hints.

We met up to decide on what props we needed to bring. We came up with our prop list and decided on how and where we were going to get each item. Our props included a hospital gown, tablets, a photo frame, a photo of Mehreen and Nimra, a zip-lock bag, a teddy bear and a bracelet.

Mehreen was going to be our actress and following that decision we informed her on the details of the plot and she thought about how she would get into character and then we knew we were able to begin filming.

Since we filmed this we have made some changes and added more detail to our plan. In this filmed plan we just briefly touched on the idea of a photo and a bracelet. However, since this we have decided that we are going to have only one photo to add more emphasis and focus on that one and in that photo Mehreen is going to be wearing the bracelet. This is going to add more significance to the bracelet as she is then going to hold that bracelet too as that will also be in the box.
In the photo we are going to have Mehreen and Nimra laughing together, to signify this as a good memory.  Following on from this, we will have a 'flashback' video of this time where Mehreen and Nimra are laughing and joking together with another friend who is not identified behind the camera, to show its a 'home video'.

We are now ready to begin filming.

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