Saturday 26 November 2016

First day of filming

On our first day of filming (the 14th November) we was able to go straight into filming as we had done all our planning in advance and our actress Mehreen knew exactly what she was doing which allowed everything to run smoothly. The storyboard helped a lot as a base for this as it helped us to provide a general plan for what we wanted to get filmed on day one.  We had to think about mise-en-scene and take any irrelevant objects out of the room in order to provide the scene we wanted (Spoke about in my last post). We were therefore able to go straight in with filming our second shot which was a freehand POV shot from the door as it opens and then matched with a shot from a different angle.
We did encounter some problems when filming the freehand shot as Jana, who was shooting this part,  found it difficult to hold the props that were needed and also hold the camera at the same time. However, after a few practice shots Jana was able to create this shot perfectly which enabled us to continue onto the next shots.
The next angle we needed was a 'CCTV' angle which was going to be included in numerous shots which is why we decided to do this on our first day of filming as we could film all our shots that needed this angle. One of the shots was match on action and so therefore we had to make sure everything was the same and Mehreen was laying in the same position which was also another reason why we decided to film this shot on the same day.

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