Tuesday 4 October 2016

Our preliminary task

[Our prelim storyboard]

This is our prelim task which we created a group (Nimra, Jana and me). We storyboarded it prior to filming the video. As a group we planned what we would include and we made sure to incorporate the 180 degree rule, match on action and shot reverse shot. I filmed it whilst Jana and Nimra acted and then we edited it together as a group.

We know that the clip isn't amazing but it was our first attempt at filming and editing as a group. We are hoping that this can show how we started and our future projects will show a clear improvement and we will be able to see how far we have come.

As a first project I think we did well as a group as we were able to decide upon our plot and what shots we would include  together as a group and then film it with no specific problems.

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