Saturday 15 October 2016

Film opening pitch

This is our idea for our film opening. We have made some minor changes since we pitched our idea. Some of the things we changed are were going to have only the girl as the main character in the room we aren't going to include any extra actors. We thought this would make the opening more focused on the girl as she is the main character and the action will mainly take place around her. Also, we have added ideas of including a box which will have personal objects including a photo frame of her with another girl. The audience are not told who the girl is but we see her crying on the picture which indicates it isn't a happy sighting for her.
Another change we made is that the girl will not be leaving the room, the opening will be set in one room. The room will be quite plain and simplistic without many objects.
The room is meant to mimic a mental asylum or a hospital type room but this may not be completely clear it is something we are going to hint at to the audience.

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