Thursday 19 January 2017

Overall feedback

The feedback we have received so far as a group has been very helpful and eye opening to us. This is because we thought we were close to finishing as we seemed happy with what we had made. However, as a result of our feedback we have realised we do still have a few things to work on within our opening.
We came together as a group and began to plan how we were going to use our criticisms and suggestions in order to improve. We realised that not all the suggestions we received could be incorporated however it did give us some inspiration and insight into what we needed to aim for.
We know that it is too late to re-film key scenes in our opening and this was therefore not an option for us so the suggestions that involved adding to the plot, we avoided.
Therefore, we came to the conclusion that we are not going to add to our footage because we don't want to ruin our consistency as we are happy with that thus far. So, our plan is to continue editing and improving what we have and use the feedback to guide that.

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