Thursday 1 December 2016

Addition to plot

As a group we decided to look over our footage and discuss how we thought our filming was going thus far. All three of us agreed that there seemed to be something missing, something that would help our film stand out and make the audience want to continue watching in order to find out the overall plot. We all came up with ideas of what could be included that fits with our plot ideas that we already have. One of our ideas was to incorporate the ideas of the main characters mental health and further push our genre of psychological thriller. We decided that we could do this by involving blood on her hands, which is also a reference to Macbeth. The blood on her hands also links in well with our plot which may not be completely clear for the opening, but if our film was to continue- it would become clear.
Therefore, we decided that we were going to film Mehreens reactions of the flashbacks occurring twice; once with blood on her hands and once without. This would mean we can glitch backwards and forwards between the two shots while the same routine is going on (Mehreen washing her hands- to get the blood off)

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