Friday 16 December 2016

Font for our opening titles

We decided to focus our font on our main character in order to fit the overall plot of our film opening. Therefore, we looked for a font that resembled child-like writing. This would represent her current state of mind, as it is a bit 'all over the place' and not well structured- like the font.
We found this style of text on and we all agreed that it was exactly what we were looking for.

Tuesday 6 December 2016

Production company

As a group we decided that we wanted to include a production company to our film opening. One of the most memorable production openings we could think of was Metro Goldwyn Mayer's.
We tried to think how we could remake it and i thought of the perfect actress for this role: my dog. 
We then decided that the ring could be created out of cardboard so we cut one ring and one half-ring out of cardboard, painted them yellow, then painted our production company 'Hatchi productions' on to the half ring. 
We also decided that after my dog barks/howls,  we'd say "Hatchi productions presents". 

Sunday 4 December 2016

Change to our title

After watching back our 'trapped' reverse shot for our title, we decided that it wasn't exactly how we had imagined it would be. It didn't really seem to fit our plot either, as it didn't match with any of our other shots and it seemed that we had just chucked it into our film opening without thinking about it. Therefore, we have decided to just have our title appear in text on our footage through editing. This also meant we could decide exactly how we want it and have it fit with our opening titles.

Friday 2 December 2016

Final day of filming

Today we shot the additional scene that we decided on. This involved the blood on Mehreen's hands. For this we used fake blood we purchased from the costume shop. It was quite hard to match the idea we had in our heads as the blood didn't seem real enough. Therefore we kept adding the blood until we were happy with how it looked and then we began filming.
The shots were somewhat challenging as we were showing a new part of the room  and we wanted to replicate exactly what we had visioned.We thought the best way to do this was with a pan, but it didn't seem quite right. So we tried filming the shot in a different way, this time involving handheld camera work, in order to portray her state of mind a bit better.
We all agreed that this worked much better so we continued to film these scenes using the same handheld camera work in order to ensure continuity.

Thursday 1 December 2016

Addition to plot

As a group we decided to look over our footage and discuss how we thought our filming was going thus far. All three of us agreed that there seemed to be something missing, something that would help our film stand out and make the audience want to continue watching in order to find out the overall plot. We all came up with ideas of what could be included that fits with our plot ideas that we already have. One of our ideas was to incorporate the ideas of the main characters mental health and further push our genre of psychological thriller. We decided that we could do this by involving blood on her hands, which is also a reference to Macbeth. The blood on her hands also links in well with our plot which may not be completely clear for the opening, but if our film was to continue- it would become clear.
Therefore, we decided that we were going to film Mehreens reactions of the flashbacks occurring twice; once with blood on her hands and once without. This would mean we can glitch backwards and forwards between the two shots while the same routine is going on (Mehreen washing her hands- to get the blood off)