Friday 14 April 2017

Evaluation planning for question 7

This is my original first plan for question 7
This is my final plan that i will use as a guideline when filming

Thursday 13 April 2017

Evaluation planning for question 6

This is my original plan for question 6
This is my final plan for when i am filming question 6

Wednesday 12 April 2017

Evaluation planning for question 5

This is my brief original plan for question 5
This is my final plan that i will use when i am filming

Tuesday 11 April 2017

Monday 10 April 2017

Evaluation preparation for question 3

This is my brief original plan for question 3
This is my final plan that i will use when filming

Sunday 9 April 2017

Saturday 8 April 2017

Evaluation preparation for question 1

This is my plan for question 1. I created a mind map design so i was able to visualise my ideas.
I created this so i can know exactly what i am going to say when i film my evaluation, almost like a script.

Thursday 6 April 2017

Showcase feedback - Question 4

Q4 on the showcase questionnaire was 'Any suggestions for improvement, if we were to shoot the whole thing again?' To present out feedback, we decided to create a table with one column for positive feedback and on column for criticisms/improvements that could be made.  We were able to collect 11 positive quotes and 14 ideas for improvements. We copied what was written word for word in order to ensure we didn't confuse what they meant and so we could have accurate reviews. The question specifies for suggestions for improvement but some viewers decided to write positive feedback which hopefully meant they didn't have an improvement idea.

Wednesday 5 April 2017

Showcase feedback- Question 3

Q3 on the showcase questionnaire was  'how did the ending make you feel?'. To present the various answers which we received we decided to use a 'word cloud'. This is because it was the easiest way for us to visually see the answers we received. As the bigger the word, the more common it is, we can see that 'curious' was the most popular answer. This tells us that our film opening has made viewers want to watch on and see how the plot unravels.

Tuesday 4 April 2017

Showcase feedback - Question 2

Q2 on the showcase questionnaire was 'Did it fit the chosen genres conventions?'. All the answers that we received for this question were simply 'Yes'. This is good for us to hear back as our genre was psychological thriller and we tired to portray this through not only our narrative but also our choice of mies-en-scene, editing and camera techniques. This was something we always had in mind when filming and editing, therefore it is reassuring to know that everybody who viewed our film opening thought that we followed the conventions of our chosen genre.

Monday 3 April 2017

Showcase feedback- Question 1

Q1 on the showcase questionnaires was 'what did you understand about the narrative?'. To present the main ideas that our audience brought forward we made a 'word cloud'. The main words that seemed to appear the most times were 'murder', 'mental', 'trapped', 'friend'. This tells us that the audience were able to understand the narrative as does summarise our film opening as it was based on a girl who was feeling 'trapped' in a mental asylum and seemed to be getting the blame for her friends murder.

Saturday 1 April 2017

Age certificate

The certificate we have decided to use for our film opening is a '15'. This is because our film would contain imitable behaviour which could be dangerous for younger viewers to witness. Also, some of the scenes may be quite disturbing and as the psychological aspect is a clear theme throughout it wouldn't be appropriate for a younger audience.
We didn't make it a 12 due to the fact that the plot incorporates violence and different states of mind. However, we didn't make it an 18 as there are no reoccurring sexual or criminal themes. It also does not contain any strong language. Also, as our target audience is teenagers/young adults this certificate seems most appropriate.